Monday, July 28, 2008

Shark Week

Discovery Channel's Shark Week began last night.  How could anyone not be interested in Shark Week?  Sharks are the reason that I wanted to major in marine biology.  I planned on saving the sharks from the evil fishing industry and finning.  Finning is an absolute crime against nature.  For those of you who don't know what finning is, it's the ILLEGAL practice of catching sharks, cutting all of their fins off while they are still alive, and throwing them back into the ocean to drown.  Why hasn't PETA gotten involved in this?  I guess since sharks aren't cute and cuddly they don't deserve PETA's attention.
In 2007, Tina and I went to San Francisco where I went on a caged shark dive with Great whites at the Farallon Islands.  Tina stayed on the boat.  No sharks showed up that day but it was fun nonetheless.  
I still hope to someday somehow contribute to the continued protection of the shark species.  I think they are vital to oceanic ecosystems and deserve our protection.  Above are just a few of the pictures we took that day.

1 comment:

Sig said...

Shark week ain't got nothin on snake week!